The Faithfulness of God
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The Faithfulness of God

God’s faithfulness is beyond measure, yet, the sad fact is that many miss out on recognizing the faithfulness of God. The faithfulness of God is the most consistent thing on earth! You might have thought the Old Faithful geyser At Yellowstone National Park was the most consistent thing on earth. After all, the geyser was named in 1870 and…

The Beginning of Marriage
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The Beginning of Marriage

Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Philippians 2:3 “I want to be a better partner.” You say this, thinking back over a multitude of incidents that make up the history of your family. Some of them were funny when they happened;…

Joy Doesn’t Depend On Perfect Behavior
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Joy Doesn’t Depend On Perfect Behavior

Though right living enhances joy, no person can attain perfect behavior all the time. Joy must be found in a source other than our behavior. When would you be able to rejoice and have great joy if it depended on perfect behavior? Striving toward perfectionism you cannot attain, keep, control, or manage may push you…