New Audio Messages For Online Training

Audio iconThese biblical counseling courses are designed to guide students through the study of six key books authored by Dr. Henry Brandt and Dr. Kerry L. Skinner.
The material that you will study in this course has been time tested by Dr. Henry Brandt and Dr. Kerry Skinner for over 60 years in real biblical counseling situations. In our day it seems confession is common but true repentance is rare. BCT will give you the tools you need to effectively lead people to freedom from life-dominating sin.

Only Available to Online Students:

Students can now listen to Dr. Kerry L. Skinner teach through each chapter of the following books:

The Heart of the Problem 
The Word for the Wise 
The Joy of Repentance 
Breaking Free from the Bondage of Sin

Plus, more than 30 audio messages given by Dr. Henry Brandt.

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